Due to the setup, Desert Hills seemed smaller but in general the stores carried bigger and better selections than the Camarillo outlets. Dior, Gucci, YSL, and BV weren't really anything to go crazy over since the hand bag selections were all rather old and even though some of the clothes were decent, they still ran about $800+. Burberry and Barney's were my favorites by far; both had stuff that you wouldn't expect to be at an outlet store. DZ F I N A L L Y got silver shoes and bought a white and pink Burberry scarf at a ridiculously low price...I also loved her new AG jeans. As for me, my new lavender Burberry scarf and teal jacket were my favorite buys of the day.
I'm glad someone out there is proud of me for my "shopping" skills. Hahahaha!!!
I'm once again speechless..
btw, thanks for driving!
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