Who else but Karl Lagerfield would have a fashion show at the Great Wall of China?? Perhaps it was an attempt to distract us from the recently fugly designs that Fendi has been coming out with. Anyhow, the real reason for this post is Zhang Zi Yi's make-up. My mom and I both think Zhang Zi Yi is very pretty but she lacks a sort of sex appeal and hence falls short of being hot. However, doesn't she look gorgeous in this picture???!! Its the make-up...just look at those eyes!!!!! I would like to track down her make-up artist and bribe them into teaching me how to pull off such dramatic eye make-up. Seriously, even as I write this post, I find myself constantly staring at the picture with a sense of awe and immense jealousy. Yes the make-up is on the dramatic side but how hot would this be for nights out at clubs??? Okay yea I know I don't go to clubs but if I knew how to do this kind of eye make-up, I would at least make an effort to go once in awhile with the sole purpose of showing off my extremely sexy make-up...
i was watching rush hr 1 w/ dave's roommate yesterday night, and he was saying how he thought she was so hot when that movie came out. i was explaining to him how there is something flat and awkward about her forehead or face that ruins the prettiness her face...
I think she's really pretty. I love her fur btw, hehe..
jenni, if you want dramatic eyes, give me two seconds with a big fat sharpie and you'll be hotter than a raccoon under a moonlit night!
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