It occurred to me that I should clarify some of the abbreviations that I commonly use on this blog and some of the abbreviations that you see a lot on shopping forums or eBay. Here is the list so far:
NM: Neiman Marcus
BNY: Barneys New York
NAP: Net-a-Porter
BH: Beverly Hills
SCP: South Coast Plaza
BV: Bottega Veneta
Bal: Balenciaga
CL/Loubs: Christian Louboutin
NP: Numero Prive (CL style)
VP: Very Prive (CL style)
MC: Madame Claude (CL style)
VC: Very Croise (CL style)
VG: Very Galaxy (CL style)
LC: Lady Claude (CL style)
SA: Sales Associate
TDF: To die for
WTH: Who/Why/What the heck/hell (or if you're NR, WHO THE HOE?!? HAHAHHA)
IMO: In my opinion
TIA: Thanks in advance
ITA: I totally agree
UHG: Ultimate Holy Grail (aka the shoe/purse/whatever that you would KILL for)
HTF: Hard to find
NIB: New in box
BIN: Buy it now
AFAIK: As far as I know
TPF: The Purse Forum
IIRC: If I recall correctly
Random initials: On this blog, I refer to all my friends by their initials
I'll add to this list as things come up.
If you ever see something abbreviated and you have no idea what I'm going on and on about, just lemme know and I will gladly clarify :)
what does IMO mean!
Hi amynicola :) IMO means In My Opinion. You see stuff like this a lot when you go on TPF. I just updated the list...thanks!
LMAO! Love the list. I had to double check my instinct on what UHG meant (btw I was correct lol) TPF is awesome =D
I was halfway through your abbreviations..when i read if your NR..and tried looking up to see if i missed that abbreviation LOL sorry blonde over here.
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