Saturday, July 18, 2009

Some Updates And Of Course, More Shoes :)

First things first, some updates. Blogging has been slow:
1. I've been at my job for about 3 years and these past few months have been by far, the busiest. I'm usually pretty good about squeezing in browsing/blogging time at work but lately there just isn't enough hours in the day.
2. I've been studying/writing/reading a lot more. I realized that a lot of my time was wasted on TV or the computer and I've been trying to be more productive during my non-working hours.
3. I'm trying to follow my Realistic Shopping List which translates into less splurging. Also, I feel like besides the things that I've already blogged about, there hasn't been too much stuff out there thats really TDF. I suppose thats good for my wallet but bad for my blog.
4. Wednesday I left work early because I wasn't feeling well. What started off as exhaustion turned into me on my deathbed with a fever that came and went for 48-hours. The fever finally went away today but my throat still hurts, I'm still coughing, and I still can't breath through my nose. I talked to a few of my friends on the phone yesterday and I think I scared all of them "Did you just wake up? Whoa, you sound seriously sound REALLY sick. Are you okay??!" One of them even asked if I had the swine flu. HAHA. I'll probably be back to normal in a few days but I have a lot of work and studying to catch up on.

And now, some fun stuff. I try to limit my shoe posts but like I said earlier, nothing out there is really doing it for me. Cept shoes that is. I've managed to add more to my Shoe Habit Shopping List:

CL Roccia Lizard MCs: It took a lot of will power for me not to run out to SCP today to get these but since it took so long for me to prioritize my Realistic Shopping List, I'm really trying to be good about following it. I've also added lizard VPs to my list but I think I would rather get these first :)

Fendi MJs: I know these look stupid chunky but I saw Sea of Shoes modeling these and they're gorgeous. I'm looking at the pics right now and they're literally making my mouth water.


cheeky_deb said...

The Fendis look TOO clunky...even on Jane...

Purse Addict said...

I probably would've never given these a second thought but I think they look uber good on her

Fasshionxenophile said...

oh. oh...I never thought the Fendi heel is chucky...I was eyeing something like that myself. Oh, now you just waked up my very peaceful and well self-controlled buying troll. haha...

Purse Addict said...

My shopping troll is never peaceful...sometimes it has some self-control but mostly, no...HAHA