Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So after soaking in the splendor of sticking to my shopping ban for 3 months, I slipped and fell hard yesterday afternoon. I blame this on ____ for pissing me off :P Anyhow, I ended up purchasing a dress by Velvet, a shrug by Vince, and Prada lace-up booties. I felt the shopping high immediately and my fingers began itching for more. I figured since I bought a dress, outerwear, and shoes, I might as well complete the outfit with a new purse :) Dont worry, I haven't splurged..yet. I'm seriously thinking of making a purse purchase next month. BUT...I will try keep the purchase under $1500 so its not completely over the top. OR...I can quit before I completely go back to being the old Jenny...


gwendy said...

Let's see those goodies!!!

Purse Addict said...

Hehehe...I ordered everything online so I'll post pics when they come...probably around late next week :)