Thursday, December 13, 2007

White Cable Knit Purse

So LN is my go-to jewelry person and JY is my crazy little knitter :) As IC said, JY probably never needs to buy clothes again cus she can just knit stuff for herself...LOL. But JY's knitting skills are no laughing matter, just look at this cute cable knit purse she did a while back for herself! It comes complete with a pink satin bow, wooden handles, and button closure. JY got the idea for this purse from and she decided to do her own version since she felt that they were overcharging their customers. LOL...leave it to JY to be the Robin Hood of knitters!!! Last time I was at her apartment in Westwood, she also showed me some cute and colorful shrugs that she knitted for herself and they were store quality shrugs...actually probably better than what you find in stores!! Much like LN's jewelry, this is no small obsession to take on...yarn doesn't come cheap and JY spends weeks and months working on her items. It seems JY has her knitting bag with her everywhere she goes...last time she was at my house, my mom was in awe of the red sweater she was working on. I take after my mom and we're no good with our hands so I'm always in awe of crafty people like JY. Most of JY's stuff aren't made to be sold but if you ask her nicely, she'll probably put some items up for sale :) She also takes special requests...JY...knit me a sweater!! LOL...jk :P

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